

     A place where you go back again and again we call it home. But that’s not true though. “It felt like home.’’ I have used this sentence more that I could imagine. A street which, “felt like home,’’ a town which, “felt like home,’’ a city which “felt like home,’’ and many more.

     For some a certain person feels like home. No matter where you are, what conditions life has presented you, ups and downs, highs and lows they don’t feel that harsh when you are with them.

     As we grow up the dimension of it changes. Some people come and go, others replace them. Sometimes that place or person cease to exist but the feeling still remains, “It felt like home.’’ Throughout my life I tried to summarize it in a definition, in a theory but failed miserably. Failed! May be? Cause every time I got close to that feeling, it faded away. It never lasted long enough for me to grasp. To hold on, take a closer look, to understand it properly. And soon enough it occurred to me. It was me who created it. All other things were just metaphors so that I could believe such thing can exist.

     So the thing about remaining for short period of time was I stopped creating it. I have to create it again and again wherever I might be, whoever I might be with. It will add up or shrink down. But part of it is enough, to be “feel like home.”

     Home is not a place with four walls, it’s a state in you feel the most calm. Where you can stop fighting and drop your guards. Where you stop resisting and let the life flow its own way. That’s your true homecoming.

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  1. Such a beautiful blog, simple but sweet .keep it up man 💝
    I want to suggest that you should start writing the qoutes .Plz share your social media sites


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