After several knocks on the door, I woke up from my sleep and opened the door. It was a delivery guy with a courier. He handed it over to me.

“What's this?”

 “Sir it’s your order for 'True Love'!” 

“But, I ordered it a long time back! I even forgot about it!” 

“Sorry sir it’s a rare product. They don’t manufacture it much. That’s why it got delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please sign here.” 

       I signed the document and he left. I closed the door and went inside the house. As I opened the package, the first thing I found was the bill. “God, this really cost too much!” I said to myself. Inside the package, it was just as I imagined. A feeling of 'True Love', with a promise of 'Forever After' and warranty for 'Eternity'? 

       But, I don’t want it now! It felt like it doesn’t belong to me! I lacked the interest I had by the time I ordered it! It was too late now. After watching hundred’s of 'Tedx Talks', I finally managed to withdraw from it and focus on my dreams and career. 

       So, I picked up my cell phone and dialed the 'Customer Care' number. A lady picked it up.

 “Hello sir, welcome to '', how may I help you?” 

“Hey, hi. Actually I got a package of, ‘True Love’ this morning. I just want to return it.” 

“Okay sir. Just a moment, let me check.” 

“Can I get a refund of my emotions?” 

“Sorry sir, that doesn't apply for this product.” 

“Okay, how about a refund of my time?" 

“Sorry sir, this product doesn't have any refunds.” 

       She was talking to me in a soft tone, even after all my silly questions, as if she was used to handling customers like me! Wait, what? 'Customers' like 'Me'? 

“It only comes with a replacement.” 

“A 'Replacement'?”

“Yes sir, you can get a 'Casual Relationship' with less 'Drama' and low 'Maintenance'. Although it has no warranty, but you will get multiple replacements.” 

       I was quite surprised with the excitement in her voice, when she pitched me that product.

 “And this product has thousands of satisfied customers!” 

“No thanks! I just want to return this one.” 

“Sorry sir but that product doesn’t come with any return policy. It belongs to you now. Thank you for calling, ''. Have a great life sir!” 


Edited By

Sanath K

Written By

Suraj C


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