An End To A Fairytale


         Radhey entered the classroom, looking for Rucha. He knew where He could find Her. On the third or fourth bench, around the walls, Rucha didn’t want to be labelled as a "first bencher" or a "studious freak". But She was also nothing like the "back-benchers" or the "carefree rebels". So She chose the middle ground. Radhey saw Her, She was sitting at Her usual place. Her nose buried inside a huge book, like always. 'God! where did She find that? No wonder people like Her end up with no friends by their side! Or they DO have friends, they just don’t go around announcing it on social media; Beat up their chest and say, "That’s my friend", "That’s my close friend", "That’s my best friend"! There's no end for categories of friends, every day you discover a new one.' Radhey kept going on in His mind! 

      He went ahead and sat right next to Her. She realized His presence but ignored Him.

“What are you reading?” Radhey took the book from Her hands and closed it to read the title, that really pissed Her off. 

“I was reading?” Radhey realized His mistake and gave it back to Her.

“What do you want?" Rucha asked with a straight face. 

“Our assignment is due on this Friday! We have to review a book and I haven’t read one in My entire life! Please help Me, to find a short and simple book to review.”

“No, I am not going to help you this time.”

“Why? You are the only one who helps me! Come on we're friends!”

“Are we? When was the last time we spoke to each other?”

Radhey stood silent! He didn’t have an answer!

“You can’t recall it, right? Go and try to remember, then I will think about helping You.”

Rucha got up and started to leave.

“Why are You doing this? What is Your problem?’’

“What’s my problem? When I came to this college, You were My first friend and the last one. We used spend so much time together but later on You didn’t even care about Me. You forgot me like I didn’t even exist. You only came to me when You had some difficulty in studying and assignments or wanted notes from Me. That’s what I am for You, just a machine! You’re like that child who plays with His favorite toy and forgets about it soon after He gets new ones!”

Radhey got confused.

"You're not a toy!”

“It’s a metaphor You idiot!”

“For what?”

“Toy tends to a friend.”

Radhey got up.

“I am really sorry!”

“Don’t bother. You’re not My problem anymore.”

“But You’re My solution for everything! Listen, I didn’t come to talk to You, because I thought I was disturbing You! You were always busy with studies and all Your work! I just didn’t wanted to trouble You!”

Rucha knew, no matter how hard She tried, He will convince Her! He was just like any other teenager, lost and confused! Living in His ‘fairytale’. But He was not mean, He was always kind to Her.

“Okay, Meet me tomorrow in the library.”

Radhey didn’t say a word.

“You know where the library is, right?”

“Is it anywhere near canteen?”

“No, You duffer! It’s right next to the assembly hall!”

“Yeah, now I remember! I will be there.”

          Next day Rucha reached the library. Radhey was already there standing right outside, waiting for Her. 

“On time!” they both smiled at each other and went inside.

“So where do We start?” Radhey asked with enthusiasm.

“Have You ever been here before?”

“No, not in this lifetime! What are those, in that shelf? Dust all over it! Does anyone reads those?” Pointing towards the right hand corner.

“Those are 'History' books. People hardly read them these days. They create their own version of history and make people believe in it.”

“What about those? Look at the size of those! They are huge!”

“'Management and Economics' books. Are you good with math?”

“If I were good at math, I wouldn’t be here, wasting my time!”

“Just say, You suck at it! No wonder.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing! Right there, that's the 'Psychology' section. You'll love it. They help You understand how the mind works. The patterns of thoughts, why we behave in a particular manner in some situations..”

Rucha stopped in the middle of the sentence. By looking at the expression on Radhey's face, It was a waste of time explaining anything further.

“Well, I am getting out of options, You choose whatever You want!"

“What are those?”

       Radhey saw a section at the very end of the library. Books were arranged properly, no dust at all. All the books were small, simple and with plane covers. He went ahead and picked one book and showed it to Rucha.

“I think I made my choice.”

“Are you sure? That’s the 'Drama' section and this is a play, ‘Hamlet’!”

“So what?”

“You are not getting My point. This is ‘Shakespeare’!”

“I know, I can read the author's name. I will review this one. I'll see You when I finish reading it.’’

        Rucha just stood there, looking at Him from behind. She prayed to the Gods for Him!

“Poor child! But everything happens for the good! May Shakespeare put an end to his fairytale!".

Edited by 

Sanak K

Written by 



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