The Lost Traveller

              It was like a tradition for our family, which I learned, from my dad, to work for 29 days of the month and spend half of our earnings on traveling. My grandfather started this tradition. The logic was, rather than saving your money for the rest of your life. Which has no certainty when it will end. Earn it and spend it. What if you never get to see tomorrow, next month or maybe next year. We visited lots of cities together. But after some time we started to go on different destinations. Because we know that one day we both have to choose different paths. But after returning from the journey, we sit down with a bottle of wine and share our stories with each other. The experience we had, the people we met, the moments we lived, everything. It was like two authors writing different stories in different places but at the ending of the same note.
One day, my dad and I were sharing our stories with each other and suddenly he asked me,
“what if, one day one of us did not return ? what if the other part will remain a mystery. What will you do then ?”
His words struck into my mind like a storm.
“ I will come after you. No matter what happens, I will complete the other part.”
“ I know, you will…”
He remained silent after that and went to sleep.
It was a long night for me. I was unable to sleep. Why did dad say that? what was going on in his mind?
One day, he didn’t returned. I was all alone. But he left a note for me,
“I know you said that you will come after me to complete the other half. But don’t do it, carry on with your part. Some mysteries should remain mysteries. I was waiting for this moment. You have everything to get on with your life. Don’t waste your life coming after me.
                                                                                                    Take care love.”

It was a hard choice to make. I decided to keep his last words which he left them for me. He has gone on a journey where his path disappeared soon after he took his next step.
He doesn’t want me to be a “Lost Traveller.”

Written By 
Suraj Chavan


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