The Sun Has Set

On this bed, I lie still
Heartless and yet got to much to feel
With very little time left in my hand
Fighting the death, here I stand

I remember the things I had dreamt about
Climbing mountains and standing out from the crowd
Now I think it's a little too late
Maybe living the dreams wasn't in my fate
Although the memories I've made are no less
Having no regrets, I cherish them with a smiling face

When and if I'm born again, I'll fly high
Hopefully with more time and the limit will be the sky
I pray this to god, begging on my knees
Only then my soul shall rest in peace

A tear runs down knowing I can't have a new start
Cause in this world full of people, no one has a heart
Helplessly I walk into darkness from light
For the sun has set, and it's time for the night!

Sharvari Kale


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