Crush Diaries

                                        Chapter 4

I had not attended any lectures. This time I thought of giving it a chance and so I woke up early and rushed to college. I entered the physics lab, I went near the desk and asked the lab assistant “Can you tell me if FY’s practical has commenced or not?” “Yes, it has just started, look over there” he said as he pointed me towards a group of students and a teacher.

The practical had already commenced, I was late. So I entered and sat on the last chair in the corner. I was trying to avoid the teacher’s attention as it was my first time attending the practical. I did not understand what the teacher was teaching about.

Suddenly, he asked a question to all of us, no one was able to answer. I was happy that I was not the only one to not know the answer.

Before the teacher could say anything a hand emerged from the crowd and that student gave the answer. I could not hear a word as I was sitting behind everyone. The teacher called the student on the podium. The student emerged and walked towards the podium. “You all must learn something from her. She was the only one who was able to give the answer. Shame on all of you for not knowing such simple answer.” yelled the teacher.

“Oh please!” I said in a voice that no one could hear. The girl stood in front of us. I could not believe it! I rubbed my eyes twice and pinched myself just to make sure that I was not dreaming. It was rucha, the girl I was searching for. I was happy and my eyes were fixed on her. She was explaining the answer to us and she noticed me staring at her and pretended that she had not noticed me by looking in the other direction. After explaining the answer she came down and sat on her chair. The girl sitting next to her turned around, it was sneha.

She was my good friend and I always called her whenever I needed to know anything regarding exam, notes and classes etc.

The practical ended, the students began to walk out of the lab. Sneha walked towards me, “hey!” she said. “Hey! What’s up?” I said. “What made you to attend the practical today?” she asked. “Why? Do I need a reason to attend the practical or your permission?” I said.

Sneha always pressured me to attend the lectures and to take studies seriously. Not only me but she would also sometimes scold akshay and sumit for not attending the lectures. They never took her seriously.

“You really need to attend the lectures, you are missing out a lot of things. Its high time radhey that you take your life seriously.” she said. “I am trying to. Can’t you see that today I was present for the practical?” I said. “Fine, good that you are here today but this must persist and should not be a once in a while thing.” said sneha.

“By the way, who’s that girl? Can you tell me something about her?” I asked as I pointed towards rucha. “She is rucha. She is in our class. Why do you know her?” she said. “No, never mind let it be” I said as I try to avoid further questions from her. “Wait a minute, is she the rucha you are looking for?” she questioned. “Wh- what? What are you talking about?” I said as I tried to avoid  sneha. “The way by which you are acting I am sure she is the rucha you are looking for. You are bad lair radhey. Tell me, do you like her?” asked sneha. I realized that akshay or sumit might have told her. “Okay! I don’t like her but I guess I have a crush on her.” I said in an embarrassing tone.

“Look at you! You are blushing. Wait, I’ll call her.” she said. “No! Not now, don’t do that” I pleaded her. “Rucha!” yelled sneha as she waved at rucha.

As rucha began to walk towards us my heart began racing. Rucha stood next to sneha. “I wanted to introduce you to my friend radhey. He is in our class.” said sneha pointing her hand towards me. “Hi, I am rucha.” said rucha. “Hi, I am radhey.” I said as I shook hands with her. “I have not seen you in the lectures but I have seen you in the college.” said rucha. “Well, you might have seen me near the humanitarian building.” I said in a shaky voice. “Yes! I remember you. It was you” she said. “Correct! It was me. So where were you going now?” I said. “The next lecture is off and my friends are in the other class, so I was going to the college canteen. I really don’t know anyone from our class.” said rucha.

“Rucha you can come and hang out with us. I’ll introduce you to our friends.” said sneha in a cheerful voice. “Yes, nice idea sneha. You must come rucha.” I said. “Okay.” said rucha.

 I was still in a state of awe as finally the search had ended. I was happy and wanted to thank sneha for the help. I knew a simple thank you was not enough. I was on cloud nine and bit nervous too.


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