My Super Girl
You were such a tiny ball of love when she brought you home. I still remember those cute little eyes starring me throw the baby prom. You were the supreme attention seeker of every adult I ever knew!
I was the only one you loved to go out with.
I still remember that first night when you curled those little fingers round my thumb. That was the feeling no one ever gave me.
'Dadda' was the first word u had utter from those lips. Granny was quite surprised by then!
I still remember your addiction towards me, that you never ate a single bite in my absence! I was your lone feeder back then. You made me forget all the stress of my daily chores. It was your 2nd month with us when you started crying and tried your ass off to stop me from going to work.
I cannot believe how someone can abandon you in an orphanage. Or maybe god wanted us to meet! You are the best gift god gave me!
I still remember, a tiny pair of shoes was my first gift for you. Same as Ross had brought for Ben! And just like Phoebe your mom was ready with her sarcastic comments on those.
But I am sure you would have loved it..
I still remember that you had learned the alphabets in quite an early age. Dada was proud of her little girl back then. You sang the typical alphabetical song. That was new hymn for us. That was a new song for me.
I still remember those fluffy feet trying to stand. And after every crashing downfall, my super girl rising back without weeping! Your 'never die' attitude was the thing I was fond of.
But now I think I should not remember these things which forced me to stay away from my passion since months!
Today is the first day I've brought you in my favourite zone of our house. And you are lying on the table huge than your size. My baby is comfortable, aren't you?
The only thing I don't remember is where the hell I kept that leather handled light weighted knife half of your size. Today I don't even need to put hand cuffs on you! My hands would be enough to hold you, while I carve the beauty out of you.
My girl loves me, don't you?
Your smiling face won't stop me from performing my favourite chores.
This is our secret super girl, don't let mumma know!
Written by
Onkar Mahajan
Nice onkar ..😍